Cruising Creta cu mașina: 5 opriri obligatorii

Creta este cea mai mare și mai populată din Insulele Grecești și este de fapt a cincea cea mai mare insulă din Mediterana. La 260 x 60 kilometri (8.336 km2), o destinație pe care o enormă merită mult timp pentru a explora! Există unele autobuze locale și taxiuri disponibile, cu toate acestea, vă recomandăm să închiriați un automobil pe toată durata șederii dvs. (încercați Enterprise, deoarece acestea oferă în prezent reduceri în Europa).

Având propria mașină vă va oferi libertatea de a vedea mai multe site -uri în fiecare zi și de a beneficia cu adevărat la maxim de călătoria dvs. în această insulă greacă fascinantă. Am închiriat un automobil pentru călătoria noastră de două săptămâni aici și suntem atât de recunoscători că am făcut-o, este cu siguranță cea mai bună modalitate de a vedea toate pietrele ascunse pe care insula trebuie să le ofere.

Traversarea în jurul Cretei în automobilul nostru – singura cale de urmat!
Iată 5 site -uri pe care nu veți dori să le pierdeți în timp ce faceți croazieră în Creta!

Plaja Elafonissi

Faimos pentru nisipul său roz, plaja Elafonissi este un loc foarte unic pentru a înota și a te bucura de soare și de mare. Tehnic, Elafonissi este de fapt o insulă situată în colțul de sud -vest al Cretei. Este posibil să parcurgi o bară mare de nisip la marea joasă pentru a intra pe insulă și, odată ce ai fost acolo, nu mai este mult de făcut decât să te relaxezi și să înmoaie razele (ceea ce este ideea!)

Din păcate, o mare parte din nisipul roz a fost luat de pe plajă, dar într -o zi însorită puteți vedea încă o nuanță de trandafir ușor strălucitoare de sub degetele de la picioare. Vizitatorii sunt rugați să păstreze nisipul unde este și să nu -l ia acasă cu ei, astfel încât generațiile viitoare să se poată bucura de acest paradis roz particular.

Plaja Elafonissi (roz?)
Balos Beach

Aceasta este fără îndoială una dintre cele mai uluitoare setări de plajă pe care le -am văzut vreodată și este un loc în care veți avea nevoie de propriul automobil pentru a ajunge. După 7 km de drum extrem de denivelat, veți ajunge la o parcare a vehiculului, care este situată în vârful unei stânci. Probabil că veți dori să purtați pantofi buni pentru plimbarea până la plajă (deși Daiece a făcut-o în flip-flops). Odată ce creste marginea muntelui, Balos se va dezvălui în toată gloria sa.

O bară mare de nisip se întinde pe o parte într -o peninsulă neon albastră și de aici veți găsi tot ceea ce Balos are de oferit. Un grup de scaune cu umbrele! Așa este, singurul lucru pe această întindere idilică de nisip este câteva scaune de salon pe care să le relaxezi și o vedere asupra apei mediteraneene acvamarine.

Incredibilul Balos Beach!
Cheile Samaria

Un parc național din 1962, Samaria Cheile este un loc minunat pentru a merge la plimbare … o plimbare foarte lungă. De obicei, vizitatorii încep din vârful defileului (deși îl puteți face invers), cu o altitudine de pornire de 1.250 de metri. O potecă se îndreaptă prin pădure luxuriantă și urmează un râu care formează cascade în anumite părți ale traseului. Întreaga plimbare este de 16 kilometri și, pentru că este în jos, este destul de ușor și relaxant (deși puțin greu la genunchi). Cel mai bine este să începeți drumeția la răsăritul (sau înainte) pentru a încerca să bată mulțimile, pentru că, de îndată ce va apărea soarele, veți fi călcâi cu alți excursioniști.

Drumeții Cheile Samaria


Situat la 5 kilometri sud de Heraklion în Creta, Palatul Minoan din Knossos este un sit istoric obligatoriu de pe insulă. Conform tradiției, Knossos a fost sediul legendarului rege Cretan Minos, care a fost notoriu pentru că a trimis 14 copii într -un labirint la fiecare 9 ani pentru a fi mâncat de un minotaur.

Vezi și: Ghidul nostru de călătorie mare din Grecia Fat

Orașul a fost locuit continuu de la 7000 î.Hr. până în timpurile romane, dar nu a fost descoperit și săpat până în 1900 d.Hr. Mergând pe site și uitându -te la numeroasele fresce, palate, showroom -uri și case, nu ai crezut niciodată că site -ul era atât de vechi. Multe dintre tablourile de perete par să fi fost finalizate ieri, iar arhitectura sculptată din piatră este la fel de fascinantă pe cât este bine conservată. Dă -ți câteva ore pentru a explora site -ul și din nou, vino dimineața devreme pentru a evita hoardele de mulțimi de autobuz turistic.

Platoul Lasithi

Vizitarea platoului Lasithi este o experiență în Creta pentru care veți fi cu siguranță recunoscători pentru care ați închiriat un automobil. Platoul acoperă o suprafață de peste 130 km² și este plin de sate tradiționale minuscule, terenuri agricole fertile, situri arheologice și peșteri antice. Asigurați -vă că vă opriți la unul dintre numeroasele restaurante pitorești care servesc vin local, brânză feta, pâine și tzatziki, prânzul perfect!

Dă -ți o zi întreagă pentru a explora această zonă, nu numai pentru că este enormă și sunt multe de văzut, ci și pentru că se poate petrece jumătate din timpul tău așteptând ca efectivele de oi să traverseze drumul din fața ta!

SHeep și ciobanii lor care blochează drumul din zona Platoul Lasithi
Când am vizitat Creta, am fost uimiți de câte site-uri istorice de talie mondială, drumeții și plaje au fost ambalate în jurul insulei. Zilele noastre au fost pline de explorare, relaxare și învățare despre istorie și, în timp ce am văzut mult mai mult decât doar cele 5 site -uri enumerate mai sus, au fost cu siguranță cele mai importante momente pentru noi! Dacă vă îndreptați spre Creta, luați o mașină, faceți o croazieră în jurul insulei și asigurați -vă că nu pierdeți aceste site -uri de top.

Randul tau! Ai fost vreodată în Creta sau Grecia? Cum a fost experiența ta? Distribuie cu noi mai jos?

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Disclaimer: Caprele pe drum sunt un asociat Amazon și, de asemenea, un afiliat pentru alți retaileri. Acest lucru înseamnă că câștigăm comisioane dacă faceți clic pe linkuri de pe blogul nostru și cumpărați de la acești comercianți.

Milano: Un program o dată în viață prin fabrica de călătorie distinctă

Milan: Un program o dată în viață de către fabrica de călătorii distincte

Unic Trips Factory (UFT) este o nouă companie privată de călătorii private care operează în cincisprezece orașe europene, cu șaizeci de ghiduri profesionale și experimentate și o sută douăzeci de tururi excepționale. Această companie își propune să se extindă pe alte continente până la sfârșitul anului 2016 pentru a deveni o companie globală de călătorie privată. Aspectul distinct despre această companie este că acestea oferă mult mai mult decât o simplă experiență standard de călător. Angajând ghiduri profesionale și bine informate, primiți o călătorie dinamică și autentică, fără a lipsi un singur lucru.

Ne -am gândit că ar fi minunat să încercăm serviciile lor și să vizităm Milano din punctul de vedere al unui local. Am ales să încercăm serviciile lor și să rezervăm călătoria de modă din Milano cu Fausta Adele, care ne va duce la Muzeul Silozului Armani și la un atelier de modă. Pentru a finaliza călătoria, vom lua o cină italiană bună în zona canalelor. Vom vizita, de asemenea, toate multe destinații populare din Milano cu un ghid local de călătorie. Orașul Milano are monumente impunătoare, conacuri istorice frumoase, precum și restaurante și cafenele care servesc cel mai bun din bucătăria italiană. Călătoria noastră va începe la renumitul Catedrală Duomo, cel mai cunoscut monument gotic din Italia. Nu putem aștepta să vizităm Catedrala Duomo! Din ceea ce am văzut, are pereți frumos lucrați decorați cu diferite statui.

În afară de Catedrala Duomo, intenționăm să vizităm Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II și Castelul Sforza. De asemenea, intenționăm să călătorim muzeele remarcabile pentru a vedea capodoperele lui Leonardo da Vinci. Ghidul UTF va rezerva bilete, astfel încât să puteți experimenta binecunoscutul piesă de artă de la Cina de Cina de Leonardo Da Vinci. Acesta este un moment uluitor, având în vedere că tabloul a suferit restaurări pentru a -și dezvălui culorile și frumusețea originală. O vizită la Milano nu se poate încheia fără a merge la Brera Art Gallery și Brera Palace. Dacă sunteți un iubitor de artă, veți fi uimit de colecția remarcabilă de tablouri care reprezintă toate numele mari ale picturilor italiene, de la Caravaggio, la Mantegna la Raphael.

Cu un ghid UTF, veți fi dus la toate muzeele pentru a vedea numeroase lucrări de artă și monumente. Ghidurile UTF sunt distractive și informative și vă vor scoate de pe pista bătută și, de asemenea, sugerează câteva locuri delicioase pentru a lua prânzul și cina. Ei intenționează să ofere în curând 120 de călătorii. Dacă aceasta este prima ta călătorie a Europei, veți avea un timp splendid: Ghidul UTF este remarcabil și vă va oferi o mulțime de sugestii în timpul șederii.

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WHERE TO shop IN TOKYO: 10 finest AREAS!

In Tokyo’s Nakano district, there was a store called “The shop that offers things people left on trains.” That was the name of the shop. as well as it sold, well, things that people lost during commute however were never claimed.

I was dying to see what they had in store that I rushed to Nakano on the exact same day that I discovered about it. I swept its maze-like shopping centers in browse of it. I didn’t discover it. Haha. however it showed me that when they state Tokyo has something for everyone, they most likely imply it in every way. Nakano, finest understood as a location for the otaku, is just one of the numerous fascinating buying locations in the Japanese capital.

My very first Tokyo trip coincided with the new Year Sale. Coincided, believe me. I didn’t understand it’s a thing. however I was already there so I inspected it out. young boy was I blown away. It was like the entire city was on sale. There were discount rates everywhere, as well as these are not just 10% or 20% off. You can walk away with a garment for ¥100 (USD1, PHP 44).

Many stores likewise offer tax-free buying for purchases bigger than ¥5000. Bring your passport all the time since they’re gonna requirement it.

With the exception of Ameyoko, Tokyo doesn’t have those practically unlimited open-air street markets that numerous other Oriental cities are understood for, however it has much more than its share of buying places. right here are a few of them.

Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

Grandberry shopping center
Odaiba VenusFort
Don Quijote
Where to purchase specific products top budget plan hotels in Tokyo
Search for more: Tokyo Hotels

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There’s a huge possibility you’re gonna discover yourself in Shinjuku. It has one of the two biggest, busiest, as well as many linked stations in Tokyo. Whether you’re right here to see the Shinjuku Gyoen or just making a train transfer, you may also inspect out the shops. They’re aplenty! The station itself is linked to department stores like Keio as well as Isetan. It’s likewise right here that you’ll discover Lumine, an underground retail paradise. as well as when I stated underground, I implied it literally.

If you’re searching for the typical garments chains, you’ll discover their huge shops marking the corners of Shinjuku together with widely known upscale brands. however two of the most fascinating shops for me are Bicqlo, a merger of the electronics huge Bic video camera as well as laid-back wear brand Uniqlo; as well as Komehyo, a department store brimming with both brand new as well as pre-loved designer products like watches, bags, as well as garments.

Nearest station: Shinjuku


You understand you’re not leaving Tokyo without crossing what they state is the world’s busiest intersection. While you’re in Shibuya, take a long time to look at their shops.

Like in Shinjuku, department stores abound in Shibuya. Shibuya Hikarie as well as Shibuya 109 are crowd favorites, however I personally delight in Loft, a seven-story building housing souvenirs, stationery, as well as homeware among others. It is likewise house to three buying alleys that are prominent even among locals: Spain Zaka, Koen Dori, as well as center Gai.

Nearest station: Shibuya


Tokyo’s ritzy side. Ginza is best-known as an upmarket buying district, boasting designer brands like Christian Dior as well as Louis Vuitton, although inexpensive fashion staples like Uniqlo as well as Zara likewise have existence here.

Some of the buying complexes right here include Matsuya, Mitsikoshi, Marronnier Gate, as well as Tokyu Plaza Ginza.


This market street that runs parallel the Yamanote Line between Ueno as well as Okachimachi stations is always bursting with people. A broad range of products are offered here: bags, clothes, accessories, spices, fish. Don’t be amazed if you see barkers announcing discount rates while standing on a chair amidst a sea of humanity. The craziness of everything alone is worth inspecting out, haha.

Nearest station: Ueno

Grandberry shopping center

Update: This has already closed down.

This complex in Minami Machida is well-known for its lane of outlet stores (Adidas, Nike, Coach, Gap, Old Navy, Franc Franc, Mont Bell, Brooks Brothers). The costs right here are not truly thought about “bargain” by anyone’s standards, however they’re certainly lower than department store prices.

Just outside Grandberry shopping center is a shop that offers alcoholic beverages, coffee, as well as tea! This is where I purchased much of the pasalubong to the titas.

It’s a bit far from the city center, around 40-50 minutes from Shibuya.

Nearest Station: Minami Machida

Odaiba VenusFort

VenusFort likewise homes a number of outlet stores including Puma, Levi’s, as well as Samsonite. If you’re planning on going to Odaiba anyway, you may also decrease by as well as inspect it out.

Nearest Station: Aomi, Tokyo Teleport


Sugamo’s market street
Often called Old Ladies’ Harajuku, Sugamo is mainly understood for its 800-m Jizo Dori, a buying street that cater mainly to the elderly. It’s prominent for shio-daifuku, pounded rice cakes with wonderful bean paste as well as the red underclothing that is believed to bring great luck. (I know! Should’ve gotten one for myself. Haha.)

When I was here, though, I ended up purchasing half-dozen bottles of flavored honey as well as a speaking feline toy for my nephew.

Nearest Station: Sugamo


The electronics center of Tokyo. one of its most significant stores is the 9-level Yodobashi electronics store that is packed with sim cards on the very first floor, PC parts as well as laptops on the second floor, cameras on the third floor, as well as video games as well as software application on the seventh.

You’ll likewise discover a number of second-hand shops scattered around the area.

Just a short walk from the station, you’ll likewise discover M’s Pop Life Store, a 7-story department store selling all kind of intimate items.


A shopping center in Nakano
I may not have discovered the shop that offers things left on trains, however I got to see what Nakano has to offer to the otaku. This is where you ought to go if you’re searching for anime as well as manga items. The second as well as third levels of Nakano Broadway shopping center are full of shops that offer action figures, games, comic books, DVDs, as well as so on.

Nearest Station: Nakano (JR Chuo Line)

Don Quijote

A department store chain with a number of branches around Tokyo, selling a myriad of products from electronics to personal care to home products to stuffed animals. There are tons of affordable discovers right here squeezed into towering shelves. You may want to dedicate much time just to see what they have to offer.

Where to purchase specific Products

Where to purchase toys for grownups, if you understand what I mean. Akihabara is where you will discover M’s Pop Life Store, a 7-story department store selling toys as well as DVDs for grownups, if you understand what I mean. The aisles right here are quite narrow, however its packed with whatever it is that floats your boat. costumes for function play? They have it. Gags as well as whips? They have it. Basics? Of course, they have it. Don Quijote likewise offers these items.

Where to purchase pre-loved high-end items. Shinjuku, mostly. My fashion blog writer good friend showed me around as well as I was shocked by the amount of top quality products on sale. discover Komehyo for high-end watches, designer clothing, bags, as well as jewelry. two understood resale stores — Daikokuya as well as Ginzo — likewise have branches in Shinjuku.

Where to purchase pre-loved cameras as well as lenses. The third level of Yodobashi in Akihabara has great choices.

Where to purchase gadgets. I’m not sure if it’s just me, however I discovered that Bic Camera’s costs are somewhat lower than Yodobashi, even for Apple products as well as cameras.

Where to purchase Japanese KitKat. KitKat is available in special flavors in Japan. You’ll see them getting sold at discount rate stores around the city. however if you wanna score small savings, head to Takeya, likewise understood as the “purple building,” in Ueno. They offer duty-free buying as well as has an practically total collection of Kitkat flavors. even Meiji chocolates are less expensive here. If you don’t have time as well as you’re utilizing Narita terminal 2 on your flight out, there’s likewise a store there that offers Japanese KitKat. You’ll likewise discover Shiroi Koibito Biscuits (Hokkaido Biscuits) as well as Pablo’s Cheesecake at the airport.

Where to purchase very affordable items. 100-yen shops (Hyaku En Shoppu). These are quite typical throughout Tokyo. They offer all kind of products mainly for ¥108 (¥100 without the taxes).

top budget plan hotels in Tokyo

Top budget plan as well as capsule hotels based on Agoda client reviews.

MyCUBE by MYSTAYS Asakusa Kuramae. (via Agoda)

MyCUBE by MYSTAYS Asakusa Kuramae. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Capsule hotel Anshin Oyado Tokyo Akihabara. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

GLANSIT AKIHABARA comfort CAPUSULE HOTEL. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Capsule hotel Anshin Oyado Premier Tokyo Shinjuku Station. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

KEIKYU EX INN Akihabara -Tokyo Akihabara. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Dormy Inn premium Tokyo Kodenmacho – Nihonbashi. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Hotel Wing worldwide choose Asakusa Komagata. Inspectați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

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ALISHAN TO CHIAYI by direct BUS & TRAIN: schedule & Fares

After enjoying all the wondrous things that Alishan has to offer, it’s time to get out of the picturesque area. While there are direct buses connecting Alishan to other key destinations like Taipei, Taichung, and even sun Moon Lake, the most popular route is by getting back to Chiayi City and taking the train from there.

To get to Chiayi City, there are two common routes: by direct bus to Chiayi and by taking the bus to Fenqihu then train to Chiayi.

Whatever you prefer, this article will give you the information you need to reach Chiayi hassle-free.


BY direct BUSAlishan to Chiayi TRA Station
Alishan to Chiayi THSR Station

BY TRAINAlishan to Fenqihu by Bus
Fenqihu to Chiayi City

TOP hotels IN CHIAYISearch for more Chiayi Hotels!

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BY direct BUS

One of the main attractions in Alishan is its vintage railway network, especially the Alishan express train. If it’s your first time, you must try it on the way to the forest park area. but one journey should be enough to experience the Alishan express train.

If you arrived in Alishan by train, no need to take it on your way back to Chiayi City. For that, I recommend taking the direct bus instead for these reasons.

It’s faster. It takes less than 2 hours.

Este mai ieftin. The direct bus fare costs TWD 240-278. but the bus + train journey will cost you a total of almost TWD 500.

It’s more convenient. No need to make any transfer. The bus will drop you off at either the TRA train station or the THSR train station (depending on the bus you book).

You have more options. Over 10 direct buses ply the Alishan-Chiayi route per day. but only 3 Alishan-Fenqihu buses are available per day and only up to 3 Fenqihu-Chiayi trains (only one on weekdays).

It’s more ideal for short-term visitors. direct buses will allow you to spend more time in Alishan.
– If you’re on a day trip, the direct bus will allow you to stay longer. The last direct bus leaves Alishan at around 5:00pm, while the last train departs from Fenqihu at 2:30pm on weekdays and 3:00pm on weekends/holidays.
– If you’re staying overnight in Alishan, you probably would try to catch the village’s celebrated sunrise, which means you’ll have to wake up really early. By taking the direct bus, you can sleep uninterrupted, without transfers.

To catch the bus, you need to make your way to the Alishan Bus Station, right outside the recreation area (near the gate). inside 7-Eleven, you will find a side counter that sells bus tickets. just approach that counter. You know you’re at the right spot if you see bus information on the desk.

There are two Chiayi-bound direct routes from here: to the TRA station and to the THSR Station. here are the schedules and fares.

Alishan to Chiayi TRA Station

Fare: TWD 240 (adult), TWD 120 (child, concession)





13:40 (1:40 pm)

14:10 (2:10 pm)

14:40 (2:40 pm)

15:10 (3:10 pm)

15:40 (3:40 pm)

16:10 (4:10 pm)

17:10 (5:10 pm)

The ticket looks like this:

Alishan to Chiayi THSR Station

Fare: TWD 278 (adult), TWD 139 (child, concession)



13:30 (1:30 pm)

14:40 (2:40 pm)

16:40 (4:40 pm)


If you wish to take the Alishan express train to Chiayi City, you need to catch a connecting bus to Fenqihu first. This is a good option if didn’t take the vintage train getting to Alishan or you simply wish to ride it again.

Alishan express at Chiayi Station
You can also take the train at Shizilu station instead of Fenqihu, but I don’t have information on that. Fenqihu remains the more preferred route for more visitors.

Here’s how to do it.

Alishan to Fenqihu by Bus

You can catch the bus bound for Fenqihu at the Alishan Bus Station, just outside the recreation area (near the gate). during my visit, no need to pre-purchase tickets. You can simply hand your payment to the driver. Make sure you have the exact amount because they don’t give change.

Fare: TWD 98 (adult), TWD 49 (concession, child)




14:10 (2:10 pm)

You will be dropped off near the Fenqihu forest railway Station, where you’ll board the Alishan express train to Chiayi City.

Fenqihu to Chiayi City

Fenqihu is NOT the first station so make sure you are there before the departure time. The train will only wait for less than 10 minutes to pick up passengers.

Here’s the schedule:

14:30 (2:30 pm) – daily

15:00 (3:00 pm) – Saturdays, Sundays, holidays only

Travel time: roughly 2.5 hours.
Fare: TWD 384, adult; TWD 192, child.

The train terminates at Chiayi TRA station. emphasis on TRA. If you need to catch a high-speed train to get to your final destination, you need to transfer to the THSR station which is 30 minutes away.


Lodging options in Alishan are quite limited. They’re usually much more expensive than accommodations in other parts of Taiwan. Some hotels also doNu aveți ascensoare, așa că asigurați -vă că vă exprimați preferința pentru un nivel inferior dacă nu sunteți în formă. Verificarea timpului este de obicei între 15:00 și 16:00.

Iată cele mai importante proprietăți de pe Agoda, așa cum sunt notate de clienții lor.

Hotel Alishan Shermuh

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Hotel Alishan Shermuh. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

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Wun Sun Hotel. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Hotel Ali-Shan Kaofeng. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Hoteluri de top din Chiayi

Indiferent dacă doriți mult timp pentru a prinde trenul Alishan Express sau pur și simplu doriți să explorați, luați în considerare să petreceți o noapte în Chiayi City. Iată cele mai bune hoteluri și pensiuni, astfel cum sunt clasate de utilizatorii AGODA.

Bobooks. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Hotel Discover. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Chiayi Petite Hostel. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Călători Plus. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Hanul Wenhuadeer. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

Orange Hotel – Wenhua Chiayi. Verificați tarifele și disponibilitatea! ✅

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2020 • 8 • 11

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Kings Canyon rim Walk, Australia

I honestly thought I was going to die.

When I reached the top, I dropped my backpack unconsciously and mustered all the energy I had left to catch my breath. I was vomiting air, and my chest was starting to tighten. ten minutes and ten gulps of water later, I began feeling alright. That quick climb kept me grounded both figuratively and literally. I remained seated on the rocky ground, wondering how it came down to this.

I loved hiking. I loved it because I could do it well. I’m never the strongest person in the group, but I used to be so nimble and swift. Whenever we would trek to a mountaintop, I would always be the first or second to reach the destination. I could climb trees effortlessly. I could slide down slopes unscathed. and I could run fast. before this, the last time I trekked for hours was at Mt. Melibingoy (Mt. Parker) in South Cotabato in 2013.

What a difference two years make. considering that that climb, I got myself a full-time office job again, gained pounds (lost count), quit regular jogging, and restarted chain smoking. and it all led to this: me, knees shaking, wheezing like a pet dog in labor, but too embarrassed and stubborn to quit.

And why would I? just in between gasps, I could see just how sensational the place was. and if it’s any indication, then I was in for a bombardment of gorgeousness. Assuming, of course, that I make it alive.

View from the top of the cliff.

Three Trails

Situated halfway to Uluru from Alice Springs, the Kings Canyon is part of Watarrka national Park, covering 71,000 hectares of Australia’s Red Center. While it is typically overlooked by tourists for the a lot more popular Uluru, this landform still attracts over 250,000 visitors each year.

The site’s a lot of famous feature is its towering red sandstone cliffs, reaching as tall as 300m. Crumpling the western edge of the George Gill Range, these walls were a result of the erosion of small cracks in the land over millions of years. There are three walking trails that you may take to explore the site, depending on the time you have and how fit you are. Whatever you choose, it is crucial that you do not go off the trail for two reasons. First, some areas are considered sacred to the Aborigines. Second, it can get dangerous. Some hikers have perished at the site because of heart attack and falling off a cliff.

Don’t go off the trail.
Harsh landscape.
Kings Canyon rim Walk. The full canyon experience which begins with the 500-step climb. This 6km path will take you into the gorge itself, over and along what they call “Garden of Eden” (a permanent waterhole), and across the weathered sandstone domes. If the temperature in Yulara breaches the 36-degree mark, you have to take the rim walk before 9am. Otherwise, the heat can become unbearable, pushing the authorities to block access after this time.

South wall Return Walk. This is actually part of the rim walk loop. This will take you to the top of a cliff overlooking the garden of Eden. Takes 1.5 to 2 hours. If the temperature is 36 or higher, you need to take this trail before 11am.

The Kings Creek Walk. This 2-km trail follow the creek that snakes across the site. Takes an hour. The easy choice, it is suitable for anyone, regardless of age and level of fitness. It is also open all the time.

Kings Creek Walk
Rim Walk

We opted with the full rim walk experience, which began with a climb up a 500-stair hill, widely known among locals as “heartbreak hill” or “heart attack hill.” how fitting.

“We’re not even a quarter of the trail,” our excursion guide Nick warned. “But don’t worry, that was the hardest part.”

Destul de adevărat. It was a lot much easier from there. We trod on rough grounds of a plateau, etched with what looked like ripples. It was as though the they were frozen in time. before I could ask why, Nick already shared the answer. “This used to be underwater. These ripples are signs of an ancient sea that used to fill this area.” Apparently, these rocks used to be underwater sand, and they bear fossils of marine lifeforms, too. We looked around as we ambled, and in no time, we reached the first viewpoint, overlooking a red, rocky desert, partly patched with thin foliage.

View from the first lookout.
View from the first lookout.
Our guide Nick, describing how the ripples got there.
A closer look at the ripples.
After minutes of walking under the sun and in between rocks, we reached a staircase that descends into the gorge, the bottom of which is covered in dense palm forest, broken by a meandering creek. “This is what lots of call the garden of Eden,” explained Nick. It is a permanent waterhole, a life-saver for the aborigines and lost explorers in Australia’s early days. We walked along the creek and found its end. The waterhole is surrounded by soaring walls, keeping it away from extreme sunlight. It was refreshing to stay under its shade, a good resting place for hikers.

A staircase leads down into the gorge called garden of Eden
This waterhole has saved lots of lives.
A bridge connects the two sides of the gorge.
When we climbed back up to the other rim, we were greeted by a labyrinth of hundreds of weathered sandstone domes. Trees and shade were not aplenty, but it was an easy walk back to where we started.

View at the last lookout.
Walking back to the carpark.
It says Krestel Falls, but we couldn’t find any cascade. just a cliff.
The 100-m sandstone cliff of Kings Canyon.
In between the sandstone domes.
1 km to go!
After nearly four hours, I found myself at the base of the heartbreak hill, looking up to the summit. but with so much appeal presented to me, I barely remembered the struggle I went through climbing to that peak. thank heavens I soldiered on, for what lingered as I stood there was the lots of shapes and forms of appeal that feasted my eyes on along the way. The real heartbreak would be missing all of it.

Watarrka national Park
Phone: +61 8 8956 7460

When to visit: easily accessible all year round, but best from April to September.

We checked out Kings Canyon as part of a YHA excursion package. It comes with 2 nights stay at Alice Springs YHA and a 3-day camping trip to Uluru courtesy of The rock Tour, which makes a stop at Kings Canyon (Day 1), Kata Tjuta (Day 2) and finally Uluru (Days 2-3).

For a lot more information or to book the tour, check out this site.

Where to stay: Ayer’s rock YHA Hostel is also known as the Voyages Outback Pioneer Lodge or Outback Pioneer Hotel. They offer air-conditioned and wi-fi equipped rooms at the heart of Yulara Township. There’s a bar, a grill, and a lot of beneficial facilities on site. There’s also a checking out deck for Uluru sunset within the vicinity.

Book your room here

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