Cum să transformi Japonia cu costuri ridicate într-o locație accesibilă pentru a vedea

actualizată: 19/11/20 | 19 noiembrie 2020

Ani de zile, am plecat să călătorești în Japonia, deoarece eram îngrozit de exact cât de costisitor ar fi. Zvonurile pe care le -am auzit despre costurile mari ale țării m -au făcut să ezit să merg. Întotdeauna mi -a plăcut cultura japoneză, precum și am înțeles că orice tip de văzut ar include gorging -ul pe sushi, precum și ramen, se vede la oferte mari de temple, precum și călătorii cu trenul greu cu mediul rural.

Dar crederea despre exact cât de mult ar fi cheltuielile să mă gândesc întotdeauna: „Voi aștepta până când voi avea mult mai mulți bani”.

Când în cele din urmă am verificat Japonia în urmă cu ani, am fost șocat să constat că, deși nu este ieftin, Japonia nu este țara costisitoare prohibitivă, mulți oameni cred că este. De fapt, am descoperit cu adevărat Japonia ca fiind extrem de favorabilă bugetului, precum și la egalitate cu (și adesea mai accesibile decât țările din Europa de Vest.

În vizitele ulterioare, am descoperit să stăpânesc în plus țara, precum și să transform Japonia cu costuri ridicate într-o locație favorabilă bugetului de vizitat.

Călătoria în Japonia nu necesită să cheltuiască o cantitate mare de bani. Iată o defalcare aprofundată a exact a modului în care vă puteți reduce costurile pentru a vedea Japonia pe un buget!

Cum să economisiți transportul în Japonia

Trenul cu glonț, deși minunat, confortabil, precum și rapid, nu este ieftin. Biletele private pot cheltui numeroase dolari. Cu toate acestea, cred că călătoria cu trenul este cea mai bună metodă pentru a vedea țara, așa că, în cumpărare, pentru a reduce costurile trenului, obțineți un permis Japan Rail (JR). Pasul este vital pentru călătoriile în Japonia.

Aceste cheltuieli de trecere 29.650 JPY (282 USD USD) pentru 7 zile, 47.250 JPY (449 USD USD) pentru 14 zile, precum și 60.450 JPY (574 USD USD) timp de 21 de zile. Toate timpurile de trecere sunt destinate călătoriilor consecutive.

Comparați-l cu biletele unice, unde călătoria de trei ore de la Osaka la Tokyo costă fiecare drum 10.500-15.500 JPY (100-150 USD). Acea călătorie unică este aproape exact același cost ca întregul pas de 7 zile!

Mai mult, aceste trenuri JR servesc, de asemenea, zone regionale ale orașului, precum și astfel pot fi utilizate intra-oraș. Mi -am folosit permisul pentru a ocoli Kyoto, precum și Tokyo, în loc să primesc bilete de metrou. Așadar, chiar dacă nu veți face prea multe călătorii în Japonia, obținerea unei treceri este mult mai bună decât să obțineți bilete private. În timp ce costul ridicat al trecerii poate provoca șocul autocolantului, alternativul este și mai rău.

În trecut, s -ar putea să cumpărați trecerea doar înainte de a ajunge. Cu toate acestea, până în martie 2021 puteți achiziționa o pasaj feroviar din Japonia în Japonia. Trecerile sunt oferite în conformitate cu locațiile țării: Sapporo, Sendai, Niigata, Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Hakata, aeroportul din New Chitose, aeroportul Narita, aeroportul Haneda, precum și aeroportul Kansai.

Cea mai mare parte a biletelor de metrou din City cheltuieli 100-300 JPY pentru o singură călătorie. Costul variază în funcție de distanță, precum și poate fi în mod obișnuit mai mare în Tokyo, soiul tarifelor de la 170-320 JPY, precum și un permis de 24 de ore este de 600 jpy (5,75 USD USD). Puteți obține o trecere de zi într -o mulțime de orașe care vă oferă călătorii fără restricții timp de 24 de ore pentru mai puțin de 800 JPY (7,50 USD USD).

Autobuzele sunt o alternativă mai puțin costisitoare la sistemul de trenuri cu gloanțe din Japonia, cu toate acestea necesită mult mai mult timp. De exemplu, călătoria cu trenul de trei ore de la Tokyo la Osaka devine o plimbare cu autobuzul de nouă ore. Costul pentru acest loc este de doar 4.000 JPY (38 USD USD), cu toate acestea, la un moment dat, trebuie să credeți despre exact cât valorează timpul dvs. Pentru mine, economisirea a aproximativ 10.000 JPY nu a meritat cele șapte ore suplimentare de călătorie, având în vedere că am avut un timp atât de restrâns în timpul vizitei mele. Dacă aș fi avut mult mai mult timp, tocmai aș fi luat autobuzul.

De asemenea, există treceri de autobuz care oferă călătorii fără restricții, precum și încep la 10.200 JPY (97 USD USD) pentru trei zile de călătorie neconștiente.

Există o mulțime de transportatori de planuri bugetare care servesc acum Japonia – le puteți descoperi pe site -uri precum Momondo sau Skyscanner. Peach, Spring, Jetstar, precum și SkyMark sunt câteva dintre companiile aeriene primare ale planului bugetar disponibil.

În general, costurile lor sunt la fel cu biletele de tren cu gloanțe. Dacă rezervați cu mult timp în avans, acestea pot fi chiar mai accesibile decât trenul. Cu toate acestea, mult mai frecvent, nu va fi un pic mai costisitor, precum și nu cu adevărat niciun tip de mai rapid dacă mergeți la o distanță scurtă.

De asemenea, ANA folosește tarife speciale de ultimă oră cu ajutorul unei pagini ascunse pe site-ul lor. Este oferit doar străinilor, precum și poate fi adesea mai accesibil decât zborurile pe care le descoperi pe Skyscanner, în special pentru rutele mai lungi din întreaga țară.

Cum să economisiți mâncarea în Japonia

Surprinzător, am descoperit că mâncarea este low-cost în Japonia. Adevărat, dependența mea de sushi a sporit considerabil cheltuielile călătoriei mele, dar, în general, am descoperit că costă mult mai puțin pentru mâncare decât mă anticipasem.

As long as I didn’t feed my sushi addiction, I discovered I might eat for less than 1,500 JPY per day. Some normal costs were:

Sushi lunch sets (sushi,soup, salad): 1,600+ JPY

Traditional Japanese set lunches: 1,200+ JPY

Sushi trains: 125–625 JPY per meal

Small pasta: 400-500 JPY

Western set menu (sandwiches, burger, pizza, etc): 1,200-1,500 JPY

Fast food: 700 JPY

Ramen: 700-1,000 JPY

Tempura dishes: 100-150 JPY

There’s an variety of affordable food choices in the country so you don’t truly requirement to spend much money on food (unless you want to sprinkle out). You can save money on food in Japan by doing the following:

Eat at “100-yen” shops – There are lots of 100-yen shops (the Japanese equivalent to dollar stores) in Japan, where set meals, groceries, water, toiletries, home items, as well as a lot more are just 100 JPY. I did all my buying at these stores. Their names vary by region, so ask your hotel/hostel reception where the nearest 100-yen shop is located.

Use sushi trains – Sushi in Japan is tasty in any way levels. While I had a few fancy, sit-down meals, you can’t beat the sushi trains for value. At around 125 JPY ($1.20 USD) per plate, I might stuff my deal with for less than 1,500 JPY ($14.25 USD) a lot of of the time. I normally just ate at sushi trains.

Eat at 7-11 – 7-11, household Mart, as well as other comfort stores have a great deal of pre-set meals for under 500 JPY ($5 USD) that produce affordable lunches. Additionally, supermarkets have lots of set meals at similar prices. I observed this was a prominent choice for lots of Japanese people.

Cook your food – Hostels (as well as lots of Airbnb rental apartments) have kitchens, where you can cook as well as cut your food costs to less than 1,100 JPY ($10 USD) per day, particularly by buying at the 100-yen stores.

Avoid fresh fruit – The one rumor about Japan that [turned out to be] true was that fresh fruit as well as vegetables were expensive. outside of buying for an apple or banana at the market, I normally avoided fresh fruits as well as vegetables. They were as well expensive.

Eat curry, ramen, as well as donburi – I essentially lived off these three foods during my three weeks in Japan. Curry bowls are as affordable as 400 JPY ($3.75 USD) per plate. Donburi, bowls of meat as well as rice, are around 500 JPY ($4.75 USD). Ramen is never a lot more than 1,000 JPY ($9.50 USD). These are the very best methods to eat affordable as well as filling meals in Japan.

How to save on lodging in Japan

Living costs in Japan are exceptionally high because of the restricted space, high population, as well as rising housing prices. Unfortunately, those high costs transfer over into the tourism industry, making discovering affordable lodging a genuine pain.

Hostel dorms normally expense 2,500-4,000 JPY ($20-35 USD) per night as well as hotel spaces begin at 8,500 JPY ($75 USD) for a double space at a budget plan hotel.

Here are some methods to save on accommodation:

Work for your space – Hostels in Japan commonly let you stay for complimentary if you clean for a few hours a day. utilize a site like Worldpackers to discover chances before you arrive.

Couchsurfing – Hospitality exchanges are not as extensive in Japan as somewhere else in the world, however there is a small, active Couchsurfing neighborhood here. A great deal of expats take pleasure in holding since it lets them get back in touch with other westerners so don’t hesitate to reach out to them as well. just make sure you send a request ahead of time to boost your chances of success (especially in prominent cities like Kyoto as well as Tokyo). checked out a lot more about Couchsurfing here!

Use credit score card points – It’s times like these that travel hacking is available in handy. regular flier miles as well as routine hotel points can be redeemed for great deals of complimentary nights. I utilized my complimentary accumulated nights from for two complimentary nights in Tokyo, however with the big sign-up bonuses ideal now for hotel cards, you can get as much as a week’s complimentary accommodation! Here’s a listing of my preferred travel credit score cards!

Capsule hotels – A step up from hostels as well as a step down from hotels, capsule hotels (pictured above) are small capsules you sleep in. You share bathrooms as well as typical areas, as well as your capsule has a light, outlet, as well as often a little television. They are often utilized by businessmen who work late. These capsules begin at around 3,000-5,500 JPY ($25-50 USD) per night.

Airbnb – Airbnb is a affordable option, however, because of a 2018 legislation there are a few caveats. First, only holds who have registered with the government can listing accommodation. Second, you’ll requirement to send a copy of your passport to your hold before showing up or let them copy your passport when you check-in. That said, it’s an budget-friendly option for any individual traveling as a group/family.

How to save on Attractions in Japan

Most of the attractions were extremely cheap. I didn’t spend a lot more than 500 JPY ($5 USD) permuseum or temple. In Kyoto, there’s a temple pass that provides you unrestricted transportation as well as gain access to to the temples for 1,300 JPY ($12.50 USD). It’s a great deal, thinking about you’re most likely going to see a great deal of museums in Kyoto. Osaka as well as Tokyo had similar passes for their attractions.

Overall, I discovered these passes to be the very best method to save money on temples, museums, as well as other attractions. Additionally, there are lots of complimentary gardens, temples, as well as parks! I barely spent any type of money on attractions while I was in Japan.

How much money Do You requirement to see Japan?

Japan has an picture of being one of the most costly countries in the world, as well as if you’re staying in hotels, eating out, as well as traveling around a lot, it can be. You can quickly spend over $200 USD each day by traveling that way. However, I don’t believe a trip to Japan needs to be that expensive.

Traveling around Japan can be budget-friendly if you understand what to do as well as keep an eye on your costs. You can save money in Japan by living like a local.

Staying in a hostel, getting a rail pass, eating fairly affordable food, as well as checking out a few attractions will expense around $100 USD per day.

For reference, a 21-day trip would expense at least $2,100 USD (plus your flight). For that much money, you can go to Southeast Asia for months!

However, by using the ideas above, I believe you can travel Japan for $80–85 USD per day. Japan shouldn’t expense you a lot more than that each day if you don’t splurge. This would indicate a lot more bus travel, a (very) restricted amount of sushi, only affordable restaurants, as well as the occasional night Couchsurfing (or other complimentary accommodation).

On a bare-bones budget, a trip to Japan will expense you $65-75 USD each day if you stay with Couchsurfing, affordable food, bus travel (trains would be far as well expensive), as well as only complimentary attractions. I saw great deals of travelers in Japan traveling on the cheap. They did it, as well as it’s possible — however you’ll never feed your sushi addiction if you travel this way.

To me, budget plan travel is value travel. Japan is never going to be as affordable a destination as Cambodia, Ukraine, or Peru, however there are methods to save money in every location in the world, as well as Japan has lots of methods to see on a budget. Japan will never expense $20 USD per day, however it likewise doesn’t requirement to expense hundreds.

Whenever people go to Japan as well as come back, they always state “It wasn’t as costly as I thought” since it doesn’t have to be! affordable Japan travel is possible as well as I hope this post taught you that! stay with the discount rate transit, regional food, as well as regional lodging as well as you’ll keep your costs low!


Book Your trip to Japan: Logistical ideas as well as Tricks
Book Your Flight
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to discover a affordable flight. They are my two preferred browse engines since they browse web sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned. begin with Skyscanner very first though since they have the greatest reach!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest stock as well as finest deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses as well as affordable hotels.

Don’t fail to remember travel Insurance
Travel insurance coverage will secure you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s detailed security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it lots of times in the past. My preferred business that offer the very best service as well as value are:

Safety Wing (for everybody below 70)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

Medjet (for extra repatriation coverage)

Looking for the very best business to save money With?
Check out my resource page for the very best business to utilize when you travel. I listing all the ones I utilize to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Be sure to inspect out the Japan Rail Pass if you’ll be traveling around the country. It is available in 7-, 14-, as well as 21-day passes as well as can save you a ton of money!

Want a lot more info on Japan?
Be sure to see our robust destination guide on Japan for even a lot more planning tips!

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