Split city center is peppered with many attractions that can quickly fill a few days’ itinerary. however the city is likewise a excellent jump-off point to other interesting destinations in Croatia.

For starters, from Split, two national parks are within simple reach — one is punctuated with waterfalls as well as the other with exquisite lakes. It’s likewise the gateway to a few of the idyllic islands that speck the Adriatic Sea.

Here are a few of the attractions that you can see on a day trip from Split. The very first five destinations on this listing can be explored on an island-hopping tour. Klook is using this excursion inclusive of the following:

Speedboat transfer between the islands

An English speaking captain as well as the crew

Windproof jackets

Snorkeling equipment

Onboard soft drink


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Ce este acoperit în acest ghid?

1. Biševo Island
2. Hvar Island
3. Vis Island
4. Budikovac Island
5. Pakleni Islands
6. Plitvice Lakes national Park
7. Krka national Park
8. Sibenik
9. Cetina River Rafting
10. Cetina River Canyoning
11. Klis Fortress
12. Trogir
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1. Biševo Island

The eastern side of the Adriatic Sea is specked with islets. This archipelago is under the jurisdiction of the Dalmatia region. Biševo is a little island that lies southwest of the much bigger island, Vis.

The island’s overall land area is under six square kilometers, as well as the population is not a lot more than 30 long-term residents. the most famous historical landmark is the Church of Saint Sylvester near the ruins of the ancient Benedictine monastery at the heart of the island.

The island’s limestone coastline is likewise carved with caves. the blue Cave is the most checked out by tourists. The water inside the cave shows a blue as well as silver shimmer. the very best time to see is from midmorning to early afternoon during the summertime months. one more attraction is the Monk seal Cave.

Image by means of Klook
Nearest Ferry Port: Porat Port
Getting There: Taking public ferries is rather a prolonged route. You requirement to go to Vis Island first. From there, trip a bus to Komiza Port where you can board a ferry to Biševo. the very best choice is to join an organized excursion or an island-hopping tour. This way, you can likewise see other islands instead of just costs a lot of of your time checking out just one.
Blue Cave entrance Fee: Off-peak season KN 75 (Adults), KN 35 (6-12 y/o); height season KN 100 (Adults), KN 50 (6-12 y/o); complimentary (Children below 6 y/o)

2. Hvar Island

Hvar is a long slice of paradise lounging in the Adriatic Sea together with other neighboring islands. It is famed for its beach celebrations (day as well as night) as well as bars. high-end restaurants, bars, as well as hotels fill the resort town.

The harbor in Hvar is festooned with yachts. This is likewise the primary jump-off point to close-by Pakleni Islands. The Hvar Cathedral, the 13th-century wall, as well as Fortica are just a few of the historical landmarks. The southern coastline is bedecked with secluded beaches as well as coves. away from the coastal areas, the interior features fertile land, olive groves, vineyards, as well as abandoned medieval hamlets. The island likewise boasts captivating lavender fields, drawing in tourists during its bloom season.

Most of the tourism activities are concentrated on the western part where the town of Hvar as well as harbor are located, especially on the southwestern coast. a lot of of the facilities as well as amenities are discovered here. The primary ferry terminal, Stari Grad, is likewise on this side of the island however on the northwest coast.

Nearest Ferry Port: Stari grad Port
Getting There: Take the traveler ferry from Split Port near the old city to Stari grad Port.
Fare: KN 35 – KN 55. The fares vary depending upon the season. rates during the summertime season spike significantly. The travel time is about two hours.

3. Vis Island

Vis is a little populated island in the Adriatic Sea off the coastline of Dalmatia. It is found southwest of Hvas as well as northeast of Biševo. When the island was lastly abandoned by the Yugoslav army in 1989, the island’s tough appeal shines, drawing in tourists.

Image by means of Klook
Today, agriculture, fishing, as well as tourism are the primary sources of earnings of Vis. The major settlements are found far apart — the town of Vis on the northeastern side as well as the town of Komiža on the western side. The island is the filming place of the Hollywood motion picture ‘Mamma Mia! right here We Go Again’.

Vis town is dotted with medieval ruins as well as structures like churches, ancient Roman baths, as well as villas. Saint Jerome Church on the Prirovo peninsula is built on the site of an ancient Roman theater. Atracția principală este muzeul arheologic, organizat în cetatea Levaman. Muzeul prezintă o serie de artefacte, precum și sculpturi grecești; Cel mai considerabil este șeful de bronz al Artemisului, care datează din secolul al IV -lea î.Hr. Komiža are castelul Komiza, Biserica Sf. Nicolae, precum și plajele. Portul Komiza este punctul de salt pentru Insula Biševo, precum și pentru locuri de scufundare apropiate.

Cel mai apropiat port de feribot: Vis Port
Ajungând acolo: luați feribotul de călători de la Split Port, lângă Old City până la Vis Port.
Fare: KN 45 – KN 55. tarifele variază în funcție de sezon. Tarifele în timpul sezonului de vară cresc semnificativ. Timpul de călătorie este de aproximativ 2,5 ore.

4. Insula Budikovac

Budikovac este o mică insulă în largul coastei de sud -est a Insulei Vis. Atracția crucială este plaja centrală din partea de vest a insulei.

Delimitat de două insule – Little Budikovac, precum și Sanak – la vest, precum și pe insula Budikovac la est, plaja centrală este, de asemenea, numită popular laguna albastră. Îndepărtați apa albastră îi atrage pe insulă-hoppers să înoate, precum și snorkel. Există un mic restaurant de către singurul cetățean al insulei. De asemenea, are un câmp de legume, precum și o fermă de animale lângă casa sa.

Cel mai apropiat port de feribot: Vis Port
Ajungând acolo: nu există feriboturi de călători care să tragă această cale de la despărțire. Aveți nevoie să mergeți mai întâi pe Insula Vis. De acolo, rezervați o excursie sau o charter o barcă personală către Budikovac. Cea mai funcțională alegere este să vă alăturați unei excursii insulare de la Split. Asigurați -vă că Budikovac este inclus în planul de călătorie dacă doriți cu adevărat să vedeți această insulă.

5. Insulele Pakleni

De asemenea, numite Insulele Paklinski, acestea sunt un grup de insule care arată ca un lanț deteriorat la sud -est de insula Hvar. Verificând harta, se pare că clusterul face parte din HVAR de la proximitate.

Aceste insule, uriașe sau mici, se laudă, multe plaje, precum și peșterile mării. Cea mai apropiată de Hvar este Insula Jerolim. Cel mai mare dintre insule este Sveti Klement, care leagă trei sate.

Ajunge acolo: punctul de salt este portul HVAR. Feribotul de călători vă va scădea la orice tip de aceste insule: Jerolim, Stipanska sau Palmizana. Încă o alegere este să rezervați, precum și să vă alăturați unei excursii cu insulă care include Pakleni în itinerar.

6. Parcul Național Plitvice Lakes

Situat în regiunea muntoasă a Croației Centrale, Parcul Național Plitvice Lakes vă va copleși cu vederi senzaționale, precum și minuni naturale. Fiind unul dintre cele mai mari, precum și cele mai vechi parcuri naționale din Croația, folosește multe piese de drumeție atât pentru novici, cât și pentru drumeții hardcore.

Pădurile vaste și bogate alpine sunt scrute de peșteri, lacuri, râuri, precum și cascade. Cu toate acestea, punctul culminant este terasele lacului dezvoltate de șaisprezece lacuri, care curg de sus în jos, dezvoltând cascade spectaculoase. Cea mai mare dintre aceste căderi este palmă Veliki înaltă de 78 de metri.

Vizitatorii pot traversa, precum și pot verifica lacurile, precum și căderile cu pasarele care se strecoară, precum și cu apele. Fiecare lac, precum și cascada are propriile povești, precum și legende. Înființată în 1949, este în plus asigurată atunci când este recunoscută de UNESCO ca un patrimoniu mondial în 1979.

Taxa de intrare: KN 80 (ianuarie – martie, noiembrie – decembrie); KN 180 (aprilie – mai și octombrie); KN 300 (iunie – septembrie). Aceste rate sunt pentru adulți. Copiii de la șapte până la șaptesprezece ani primesc mai puțin de jumătate din ratele pentru adulți. Copiii sub șapte ani sunt gratuite.
Ore de deschidere: 8:00 – 16:00 (octombrie – martie), 8:00 – 19:00 (martie – mai), 7:00 – 20:00 (iunie – 20 august), 7:00 – 19:00 (21 august – septembrie). Rețineți că ultima intrare, achiziționarea de bilete, precum și schimbul de vouchere se fac cu două ore înainte de ora de închidere.
Ajungând acolo: de la Split, mergeți la terminalul de autobuz primar din apropierea portului, precum și la urcarea unui autobuz legat de lacurile Plitvice. Există rute directe utilizate de la Split. Timpul de călătorie este de 3-4 ore. Tariful este KN 135 – KN 175.

Dacă doriți să călătoriți cu ușurință, precum și să descoperiți mai multe informații, precum și povești despre lacuri, puteți rezerva un tur ghidat. Klook folosește o excursie de zi care acoperă transportul dus-întors între Plitvice, precum și WiFi, la bord, un ghid de limbă engleză, plimbare cu barca, o sticlă de apă, precum și asigurare.

✅ Rezervați această excursie aici!

7. Parcul Național Krka

Imagine cu ajutorul lui Klook
Declarat parc național în 1985, Parcul Național Krka este un loc ecologic, cultural, precum și turism. Acesta acoperă 109 kilometri pătrați de teren securizat, care este o serie de tipuri de flore endemice, precum și faună. Întorcându -se pe râul Krka în regiunea Dalmatiei Centrale, gloria încununată a parcului este seria a șapte cascade.

Situată în nord se află Roški Slap, o cascadă înconjurată de cărări de mers, precum și verificarea petelor. Situată în sud este cea mai populară cascadă din parc, Skradinski Buk. Prezintă un imensnatural pool as well as smaller cascades aside from the primary waterfall. There are likewise walking tracks as well as checking out spots.

Another vacationer attraction is the Visovac Island, which homes a 15th-century Franciscan monastery. The centuries-old Krka Monastery is likewise a noteworthy destination. It is found north of Roški Slap.

Entrance Fee: KN 30 (January – March, November – December); KN 100 (April – may & October); KN 200 (June – September). Aceste rate sunt pentru adulți. From ages seven to eighteen, the rates are KN 20/KN 80/KN 120. kids seven years old as well as below are complimentary of charge. The charge includes gain access to to all land sites in the Krka national Park.
Opening Hours: Skradinski Buk complies with a different schedule. It is open all year round, while other sites are closed during wintertime months (January – March, November – December). Skradinski Buk starts operation at 9AM during the wintertime season, 8AM outside the wintertime season. closing time varies from 4PM to 8PM. other sites open at 10AM as well as close at 5-6:30PM from April to October.
Getting There: There are five entrances to the park — Skradin, Lozovac, Roski Slap/Laskovica, Burnum/Puljane, as well as Kistanje/Krka Monastery. There are direct bus routes from Split to Skradin. The travel time is 1.5-2 hours. The fare is KN 65 – KN 75.

Klook is using a day excursion to Krka national Park from Split. This is inclusive of roundtrip transfers, onboard WiFi, an English-speaking guide, a bottle of water, as well as insurance. If you want a easy transfer, you can book this tour.


8. Sibenik

Sibenik, the third-largest city in the central Dalmatia region, is found northeast of Split as well as south of Krka national Park. This coastal city is likewise the primary gateway to the Kornati archipelago, which is composed of 150 islands as well as is found west of Sibenik.

Imagine cu ajutorul lui Klook
The oldest native Croatian city along the Adriatic Sea, the city is house to lots of ancient cultural as well as historical landmarks, including two UNESCO world Heritage sites — the Cathedral of St. James at the city center as well as St. Nicholas Fortress on o insulă. There are three a lot more historic fortresses in Sibenik aside from St. Nicholas: St. Michael’s Fortress, St.John Fortress, as well as Barone Fortress. The city likewise has beaches, resorts, restaurants, as well as bars.

Nearest Bus Stop: Sibenik Bus Terminal
Getting There: Buses are the fastest as well as a lot of practical mode of transportation to Sibenik from Split. If you are taking the train, you requirement to modification trains at Perkovic as well as may take 2.5 hours. The fare is more affordable when you take the bus. There are direct bus routes from Split to Sibenik. The travel time is about 1.5 hours.
Fare: The bus fare is KN 45 – KN 55.

If you want to see both Sibenik as well as Krka national Park, there are business that offer this tour. Klook’s bundle from Split includes roundtrip transportation, Krka national Park entrance fee, a expert guide, insurance, as well as a bottle of water.


9. Cetina River Rafting

Flowing from the alluring springs in the northwestern slopes of install Dinara, Cetina River snakes with cities as well as towns in the Dalmatia region before it enters the Adriatic Sea. For the adventurous, a thrilling method to check out as well as go sightseeing is with a rafting experience on the Cetina River.

Imagine cu ajutorul lui Klook
Get your adrenaline pumping as you program with the river, basking in the raw appeal of nature enveloping you as well as taking your breath away. You can likewise stop for a while as well as take a short swim.

Cetina River Rafting excursions are used by operators from Split. Klook has a bundle that includes roundtrip transfers, licensed expert instructor, security briefing, insurance, as well as full rafting devices — wetsuit, life jackets, helmets. neoprene shoes, as well as paddles. The activity lasts for about six hours.


10. Cetina River Canyoning

This is one more level of extreme. Canyoning is like a blend of hiking, cliff-diving, as well as rappelling. If you are not terrified of heights as well as into a thrilling outside experience, canyoning is the very best method to immerse yourself in Croatian nature. take pleasure in the view as you scale the canyon as well as cliffs. shriek your heart out as you sprinkle as well as slide your method with remove waters.

Imagine cu ajutorul lui Klook
Klook has curated a canyoning excursion bundle from Split to Cetina. The inclusions are roundtrip transfers, security briefing, a licensed expert instructor, insurance, as well as full canyoning gear — wetsuits, life jackets, as well as helmets.



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